Automobile Insurance
Whether you are going to work, to the grocery store or taking your kids to school, you face significant risk every time you drive. You cannot predict when an accident will happen, but you can be prepared. Auto insurance protects you against costly claims, repairs, medical bills and lawsuits.
At the Insurance Center of Winchester, we will identify the coverage that best suits your needs to protect you against the unexpected.
- Liability Coverage – If you cause bodily injury to another person or cause damage to their property, liability coverage provides protection. Most states—including Virginia—require liability coverage as part of your auto policy.
- Collision Coverage – You have insurance to cover damage to other vehicles, but what about damage to your car? Collision coverage reimburses you if another vehicle or object hits your car.
- Other than Collision Coverage – Although collisions may be the greatest risk you face as a driver, there are other risks that you need to consider. If your car is broken into or damaged by severe weather, this coverage pays for repairs to your vehicle.
- Uninsured and Underinsured Coverage – Not all drivers have proper car insurance. This type of coverage provides protection if you are in an accident with an uninsured or underinsured driver.
Auto insurance is not just for your car; it’s also necessary for your motorcycle, recreational vehicle (RV), boat and off-road vehicles. The Insurance Center of Winchester will help create a policy that covers all your different vehicles to ensure you are protected against possible exposures.
Find out what the Insurance Center of Winchester can do for you by calling (540) 667-0700 or by filling out the form on this page.